Monday, December 28, 2015

Bedroom Remodel Phase 1

 I started my bedroom redo awhile back and sort of finished awhile back but never posted it. It has since changed a little as I have new bedding. I have a couple of more things to do to it and then I will post much better pictures. These were taken with my phone and aren't the best. Every piece of furniture was painted by me. The night stands were given to me. the dresser was one that Andrew has had pretty much forever from when he still lived at home as a kid. The tall white cabinets were armoires that I bought at a yard sale for $40 a piece. The big panels of art I made using these old foam boards from work. The doors cost me $10 each and made an excellent headboard. The rug I got for $25 at Old Time Pottery. I picked the pillows up for less than $10 a piece from Ross and Kirklands. Nothing in this room was expensive.



I forgot to take a before pictures of this dresser. It was all wood and from the 80s, maybe early 90s. It was dated with dated hardware. I painted it with chalk paint that I mixed myself and put new hardware on it. 

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