Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Aideen's New Bedroom!

I searched through my pictures that I first took of the house before we moved in looking for a before of Aideen's Room... I apparently did not take one :( It was the same color as the kitchen was which made the room look dark and smaller. The picture below is one of my dining room but it shows the color that was originally on the walls of my daughter's room. 

 I transformed every piece of furniture in her room slowly over the last couple of years and finally found the time to finish it all up. I can not wait to get the new floor down. It will look awesome in there. The vanity, the mirror above the dresser and armoire was given to me at different points in my life. I bought the dresser from the Restore for $40, the chair I got from the Bargain Center for $15, and the bed my friend found for us at a yard sale several years ago for $35 I think. Some fresh coats of paint, new fabric, some details on the wall (using 1x4s) and she has a pretty cool space.

We gave the wall a bit of detail by adding 1x4s and painting them the same as the bottom half of the wall. It cost a whole $24 in wood. The letters we picked up from Hobby Lobby for $1.99 a piece and those butterflies I bought at a yard sale for less than $20. I cant remember how much exactly I just know I wouldn't pay more than $20 for them. They are made of metal and were originally blue and black. I broke out some pink spray paint and added some glitter details. 

Here is a link to the post of the chair before and after:

Here is a picture of the before and after of the armoire:

I unfortunately did not take a picture of this piece. I was so excited when I got it I went straight to work completely forgetting the picture. It was originally the classic white with gold details. I added some new knobs on the top to give it a little extra character. 

I actually did a blog on the vanity... a looooonnnng time ago. Like over 2 years ago. Here is the link to see the before and afters of it:

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