Thursday, October 31, 2013

DIY Wall Art- Total Cost $15.50!

Hey Everyone! Today's post is on wall art! As you guys know finding cool pieces to put on the wall anywhere in your home can get pretty pricey. Pricier than I would like to spend. In my kitchen\dining area I am wanting a farm house feel. I also love vintage things. At the beginning of the week I made a General Store sign to go above one of my windows. After completing this project I looked at the wall next to the window and felt that it really needed something. I wanted it to be neat but not too cheesy. I feel that doing anything country related it can go from chic and elegant to cheesy real fast. I then remembered one of Andrew's and my antique shopping trips. A date day for the two of us usually consists of food and visiting antique and thrift stores. Well I remembered one here in town where I had looked through all of their old magazine ads. They were all separated and wrapped in plastic. Most of them were car and cigarette ads but I remembered seeing some for food related items which of course would go well in a kitchen. So I bought three of them. Campbells Pea Soup, Sunkist, and Heinz Vinegar. The colors were great! They all measured right under 11x14 in size and cost me $3.50 each. I needed frames and again.. frames can get expensive! So I went to Dollar Tree and they had 11x14 frames. They are definitely not anything fancy but they were great for what I needed them for. The only problem was that they were black and I really wanted white so I spray painted them. I love the finished product so for $13.50 I have cool art for my wall!
In my dining/kitchen area I am in the process of setting up a coffee bar. I am really excited about this! I had bought this little plaque from Michaels on clearance for $2.00. I wanted something cute to go along with my mugs, canisters and such so I looked on Pinterest for some ideas. (Here was my inspiration)I free handed it so it is by no where near perfect but I am pretty happy with how it has turned out. Yes I spelled cappuccino wrong and had to squeeze that C in there somewhere! Be on the lookout for the Coffee Bar post. I can not wait to have it finished!

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