Thursday, September 18, 2014

Craft Day! Halloween

So we started early on Halloween Crafting! (Ive also already decorated my mantel, it is just waiting on the pumpkins then it will be photo ready!) This craft cost each of us a whole $13 and we now have a unique and awesome piece of Halloween art! 

16x20 canvas (we got a 5 pack from Michaelss for $19.99)
A lazer cut frame ( $6.99 also from Michael's) 
Craft Paint ( from Michael's can not remember the sale price)
Painter's Tape ( I had this on hand already)
A printed graphic (found on 

We set to work painting!
First we painted the stripes on the canvas. We used the painters tape to make them. We also taped off where the graphic would go because we did not want to see the stripes behind the graphic. Trish trimmed her skull out and made it a little different but she still taped off where the skull would go. After painting the canvas we painted the frames while the canvas dried. 

 Then we debated on if we were going to glue the graphic on as is or vintage it up a bit. We decided on vintage except for Trish she left hers as is. So we tea stained the paper. Then Ashley decided she wanted her edges burned... I burned her entire picture up. I couldn't get the printer to work again so she had to go with a moth like mine because I had an extra one printed. Once I mastered the art of burning edges without catching the whole paper on fire I burned the edges of our pictures. After everything was ready we glued the frame to the canvas then modpodged the picture in the middle. 
 Then we had beautiful, unique and classy Halloween art! 

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