Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A little DIY Fire Place Decor

After finishing the fireplace I stared at it for a long while feeling like it looked a little bare after white washing. It all of a sudden looked bigger and a whole lot brighter! So I looked around the house for thing I already had. First I had recently bought a grapevine wreath for $4.99 and had not done a thing with it. So I tea stained some coffee filters and made big flowers out of them. Then I used some left over tissue paper to make smaller flowers. I glued them on and finished it off with a burlap bow that I had used on something else. Then came the jar lanterns. They were originally red. Red was not going to work. So I broke out the craft paint mixed up some colors until I was happy and painted them. I added left over burlap bows to match the wreath and then I was happy! 

I used two more of the jar lanterns that I had on hand for the foyer. I had bought a shelf at a flea market and had not been able to decide how to jazz it up. Finally it hit me! The kids had some art work from school that I had been wanting to showcase some how. (Their art teacher is awesome and they have brought home some pretty cool stuff.) I went out to the shed and found a bored. White washed it white, nailed on the pictures. Fancied it up a bit and I had something that resembled a rustic frame. It needed just a little something more. That is when I decided to paint more jars. This time I broke out some free hand skills. I did alright. My cow looks more like a calf but that is ok!

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