Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Fireplace Decor- Eggs!

Since we are getting close to closing on our new house my brain is running rampant with ideas. One of the things that I am most excited about the house is the fireplace! I do not have one now and the opportunity to have a whole new element to decorate... is wonderful! I pretty much have the color palette for the living room picked out and I will go into that once we move in and I get to post the after pictures! Anyhow I wanted interesting art to go above the fireplace. I wanted it to go along with the color scheme as well as represent the farm atmosphere of the house. I looked online and at first I was just going to buy something but I could not find something that was quite right. I did find inspiration though!

I found this on allposters.com

I loved the advertisement feel to it but I wasn't really into the chicken and  I wanted more blue. So while I was at Michaels shopping (one of my favorite stores!) I bought a set of 2 canvases for 9.99 and some craft paint! I got home and went to work!

The fireplace is red brick and at first I wasn't sure that I liked it but after visualizing my future finished living room I love it. So I used the blue that I wanted and threw in the red to bring in the red of the fire place. I had left over burlap that I modpodged to the canvas to add texture. When I think farm I think potato sacks so I felt the burlap was a great fit. Over all I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. I have some ideas for other decorations for the fireplace. I will post those as I finish them! 

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