Monday, March 24, 2014

White Washed Fireplace!

Ok.. I finally white washed the fireplace. I saw a tutorial on The Yellow Cape Cod Blog and decided I had to do it. My wash seemed to come out more transparent. I am not sure if I did more water or if my bricks were extra absorbent. When I first started... I will be honest I was having a heart attack on the inside. I was like oh crap... this is going to look awful. It was too late though. There was no going back so I just kept going forward. I could tell by the look on Andrew's face he was having a heart attack too but he said lets see what it looks like when it is done. So I kept at it, brushing on the paint, wiping some of it off. It took a few hours. It was pretty easy actually, just like the tutorial said. I also painted the gold trim on the doors black... Like I have said before.. I hate gold! I finished... I stepped back, and well I LOVED it. I think with the grey, white, and blue color scheme the fire place fits in much much better. I also think it stands out more and you can see the decor on it better. I can not wait for new floors... it will all look SO good together! 

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