Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Something fresh, bright and cheerful

I am eagerly waiting for spring. I am ready to get outside and tackle this beast of a yard. I want to grow so many things. Fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and... succulents! I am full of ideas and almost cannot wait to get started. But I have to. SO in the mean time to temporarily satisfy this need for spring I have been keeping cut flowers in my home. They just make me happy. I decided for this batch to go with cheerful and what is more cheerful than yellow and white. I just went to Walmart and got two bouquets that cost me a total of $10. I had picked up the drinking pitcher earlier at Old Time Pottery. SO for $20 I have spring started early in my house and I am going to enjoy them until they begin to droop. I would recommend if you are suffering from winter blues to go out and get you some flowers too! 

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