Monday, June 23, 2014

Jadyn and My Birthday Extravaganza!

So.. I turned 30 today. I was not looking forward to it but here I am... 30. My initial plans were to go to New Orleans and pretend I was 21... That is the key word... pretend. In reality I do not look or feel 21. I decided instead I would rather have close family and friends over to my home and cook an obscene amount of food and sweets. A good time was had and I am still stuffed. I am older, a little thicker but... a whole lot happier than I was 9 years ago. As I think back on my adulthood so far being 30 is really not so bad. I have grown tons and I have become a better person. My life is more stable and just all around awesome. So I will take 30 and not feel like I have lost anything because I really have gained so much. Here is to more happy times and to an awesome life with awesome people. Oh we also celebrated my little nieces birthday! She is turning 5! What another great milestone age. I am glad to have shared my awesome day with her!